Hi, I'm Julia

A passionate Scorpio originally from Brazil, now based in London. From a young age, I've always felt a deep connection to spirituality and used arts, music, and dance to express my inner feelings. About 12 years ago, I discovered yoga, immediately felt that click and fell in love with the practice and its benefits. 

After working as a Pastry Chef for a decade, I decided to take a leap of faith and embark on a transformative journey that changed my life forever: I became a Reiki Master and earned my yoga instructor qualification in Rishikesh, India.

As I delved deeper into my practice, I discovered the power of veganism, experienced spiritual awakenings and developed a beauitful connection with the rhythm of women's natural cycles and their significance in our daily existence. This inspired me to pursue a new qualification: I am also a certified Pre & Post Natal Yoga instructor.

I have crowned this big transformational phase by becoming a Kundalini Activation facilitator on the week of my birthday. This is a new modality of direct energy transmission, where I facilitate energy that activates your Kundalini awakening.

Now, my mission is to share what I have learned and touch people's lives with a holistic approach. As a practitioner, teacher and facilitator, I focus on self-awarenessinspiring and challenging students while nurturing their body, mind & energetic body.

  • Yoga

    300h + RYT
    Hatha & Ashtanga

    Pre&Post Natal


  • Reiki

    Usui Reiki Master Level I, II & III/a

  • Kundalini Activation

    Level I Facilitator by KAP Academy

  • Sound Healing

    In progress ✨